Action plan for MTD for your organisation
If your organisation has a turnover of the minimum VAT threshold (£85K), it is mandatory for your organisation to submit your VAT under Making Tax Digital rules for VAT quarters starting after 1st April 2019.
National Minimum Wage, Pension, & Dividends 2019-20
As we make our way into the second quarter of 2019 and into the new tax year. Here is an update on the key changes that affect you as an employer and your employees.
Social enterprises and their taxes
It is a common misconception that Social Enterprises are exempt from tax. For HMRC, Social Enterprises are treated the same as limited companies for tax purposes.
VAT Pre registration claims
The prospect of becoming VAT registered can often be viewed as a daunting process by many people. This article gives a brief introduction of some of the rules surrounding a pre-registration claim.
Dissolving a community interest company
As of 31 March 2018, there are 14,254 CIC’s registered in the UK and we all understand that there comes a time in which the directors may feel it is no longer necessary or financially possible to keep the CIC open and trading.